In today's volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, the old principles and methods of education are no longer relevant and the education system also needs to change to help young people compete. compete and adapt to the rapid changes of the modern world.
At the VIBE Project on Innovation and Creativity in Education, we believe that we need to create opportunities for young people to develop their creativity, innovation capacity, imagination and develop skills. to create future-ready human resources.
“If we educate today's youth the way we educated the previous generation, we are robbing them of their future.” – John Dewey
General introduction
VIBE is the abbreviation of the Vietnam Ireland Bilateral Education Exchange (Vietnam Ireland Bilateral Education Exchange) initiated by the Irish Embassy in Vietnam since 2015 within the framework of the Development Experience Sharing Program. Irish Development Experience and Sharing (IDEAS Program). The objective of the VIBE Program is to contribute to Vietnam's socio-economic development priorities by encouraging, promoting and deepening educational partnerships between educational institutions. Irish and Vietnamese universities and research.
From 2018, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) in collaboration with Innovation Academy, University of Dublin, Ireland started the first phase of the VIBE Project to improve the capacity of VNU staff and lecturers. follows an innovative and entrepreneurship mindset approach to promote and strengthen 21st century skills and nurture entrepreneurship and innovation among students. The project has been implemented effectively, creating opportunities for more than 130 staff and lecturers of VNU to experience and practice new teaching methods, learning by doing and learning by doing, helping them to can be easily applied in teaching, thereby equipping students with the necessary skills and qualities to develop and better adapt to the fluctuations and ambiguities of the professional future. A community of educators with an innovative entrepreneurial mindset (VNU VIBERS) has been formed and actively participates in efforts to innovate teaching and innovation ecosystem at VNU.
The second phase of the project, implemented from 2020, aims to lead and integrate the innovation culture in the higher education system, thereby implementing intensive training for "Innovation Ambassadors". create” to become the leading factors and develop the innovation culture in education in Vietnam. At the same time, training courses, seminars, sharing about innovative entrepreneurial thinking, innovation in education and related contents are organized for officials, lecturers, students. members inside and outside VNU, contributing to the strong development and spreading of the values and benefits of the project at VNU in particular and the education community in Vietnam in general.
Mission - Vision
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Vision: - Inspire, promote and spread the spirit of innovation in education - Developing and forming a sustainable innovation culture in VNU - Spread and bring innovation culture to other educational institutions in the Vietnamese education system
Target: - Change the mindset in learners - Inspiring and promoting the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship - Training and guiding methods and techniques to help lecturers innovate teaching methods, refresh teaching and learning experiences, create excitement, increase student participation, and improve efficiency and quality. train. - Equip essential 21st century skills (creativity, leadership, collaboration, teamwork, communication, presentation, problem solving, adaptation, persistence, lifelong learning, etc.) to train future-ready learners. - Developing a community of practice, accompanying, sharing and supporting students to be confident and motivated to continuously innovate and create on the teaching and learning journey.
Mr. Professional
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Mr. Peter
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Professional teaching staff
Ms Elen
Professional teaching staff
Mr. Peter
Professional teaching staff
Mrs. Trang
Modern quality facility